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IN-PERSON Training with option to Livestream

Women Practicing Yoga


  • ​Students will learn discipline of body and mind through:

    • Understanding the importance of alignment principles in yoga

    • Applying these alignment principles to the practice of yoga and yoga teaching 

    • Creating excellence in themselves, their practice and their teaching techniques

    • Exploring and nurturing their personal alignment in body, mind and spirit.


The mission of the Lundberg Yoga Teacher Training Program is to create excellence in each graduate and prepare them to share yoga in a way that is accessible to all who have a desire to move their bodies, minds and souls through the practice of asana. It is our desire that we not only train our graduates to teach proper alignment in the yoga postures, but that they themselves find greater alignment with who they are and how they want to show up and serve in this world as individuals and teachers.



This is the program and instructor that I've waited almost 10 years for

Suzanne Mills, graduate 2015

Rachel is very experienced in alignment based yoga and I continue to study with her!

Colleen Corry, graduate 2015

This was a thorough training program and prepares students well for teaching yoga.

Janice Schermer, graduate 2016

The Lundberg Yoga Teacher Training surpassed all of my expectations and more!

Brandy Hodges, graduate 2016

©2023 by Yoga of Alignment Kollective University

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